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Contour Map First World War 9 Class

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Contour Map First World War 9 Class

Mark the place and date of signing the Brest Peace Treaty Show the main directions of the invasion of Soviet Russia by Austro-German and Turkish troops.. Mark the states of the Entente and its allies, Germany and its allies in different colors.. Draw the boundaries of the territories captured by the Austro-German and Turkish forces by the end of May 1918.. : October Revolution, the beginning of military intervention: 1 Mark the place and date of the October armed uprising of 1917. HERE

The First World War of 1914 - 1918 The October Revolution of 1917 ASSIGNMENTS: World War I: 1. Click

Payeer-purse: P34018761 Qiwi-purse (qiwi): 88 DonationAlerts: The received help will be used and directed to the continued development of the resource, Payment for hosting and Domain.. Mark the states of the Entente and their allies, Germany and its allies in different colors. 3

? If our site has helped you and you want to support the project ?, you can do this by transferring funds in any of the following ways.. Identify the colonies of Germany and sign their names Show the main lines of action of the Entente troops.. Sign the names of states, indicate the dates of their entry into the war and the date of surrender of Germany and its allies. e828bfe731 4

Show the direction of the main blows of the troops of the belligerents ACTIVITIES: Military operations in Africa: 1.